Today is Sri Sri Radha Ashtami, appearance day of Srimati Radha Rani. Srimati Radha Rani is legend of love that divine one.
Sri Sri Radha ji was daughter of Sri Vrishbhanu and Sri Sri Kirtikumari; she was reincarnation of goddess laxmi.
Sri Sri Radha ji soul of Lord Krishna, Sri Sri Radha ji strength of Lord Krishna, Sri Sri Radha ji-true preceptor of Lord Krishna on the path of divine love, ancient books, great sages and saints have elaborate the subject in depth but ocean of Sri Radhey Krishna love is beyond reach for any embodied soul.
Only relation between the two was love and love alone that free from mundane sensuality, it was eternal and divine one.
Beauty and nature of sri sri Radha ji was simply divine one, she mystified Krishna, she was the cause of eternal joy for Krishna, she was the very source of inspiration for Krishna, she was crest jewel of all Krishna’s consorts.
Sri Sri Radha Rani is Queen of Sri Vrindavan, the very abode of Lord Krishna on planet. Sri Sri Radha Rani is fuller of desires of devotees; great giver and true guardian of Lord Krishna’s devotees.
Sri Sri Radha Rani is goddess of fortune and foremost companion of lord Krishna. Indeed Brij Bhumi is very dear to Sri Sri Radha Rani ji, more than that it is Sri Barsana but nothing dear like Sri Vrindavan-all time abode of Sri Radha ji.
Sri Sri Radha ji is most beautiful among all creatures on the planet; there is no comparison to her in any form, beloved of Lord Krishna.
Sri Sri Radha ji is close friend of Sri Sri Lalita ji and Sri Sri Vishakha ji, legend of disinterested service.
The transcendental goddess Sri Sri Radha Ji is direct counter part of Lord Krishna; she possesses all skill to attract supreme Godhead.
All great saints and sages of the time and era have praise the glory of Sri Sri Radha ji with one voice, the giver of all the four rewards of human life.
Prayer in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha ji makes one graduate to develop love and devotion with endearment that paves the path to merge in ultimate one as river merges in ocean by forsaking his mundane identity.
Faith in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha ji leads one to yearning for love that divine one, which gives the true meaning of being human.
Today is very special day for devotees of Sri Sri Radha ji, not only Sri Radha ji but lord Krishna too distributes the fruits of devotion to devotees that keeps faith in, on this special day for ultimate welfare of soul.
“Obeisance to you, O Sri Sri Radha ji; please accept my very humble homage”
May lord bless all.
Thanks please