Jai Sri Radhey,
Today one of the most auspicious day of the year, the
appearance day of Sri Sri Radha ji,
Today it is truly great day for devotees of Lord Krishna and
Srimati Radha Rani ji,
Sri Radha, the inseparable devoted partner of Sri Krishna,
in other words the soul of Sri Krishna, the flute bearer of Sri Vrindavan,
Sri Radha was born in sacred place known in the name of Barsana
but radiance of divine power was not limited to Braj mandal, she-the goddess of
the universe but the all-merciful Queen of sri Vrindavan,
Worship of Radha is worship of Sri Krishna and worship of Sri
Krishna is worship of Sri Radha,
Indeed she was an incarnation of goddess Laxmi who manifest
to bless the devotes of Lord Sri Hari Krishna,
Sri Radha, an embodiment of Love, love that free from all
kind of impurities of this mundane existence, she manifest to teach the essence
of true love to mankind,
Essence of her life was a great teaching unto subject of
relationship of the lover and the beloved,
She was the presiding deity of Raas Lila, that essence of
devotion and submission to unify self in oneness with supreme spirit.
In Maha Raas she dance to the tune of love that divine one,
sing the praise of beloved that celestial to develop the love requisite for
She elaborate the subject of Madhurya Bhava and Madhurya Prem
in her practice of Raas Lila which help spirit to attain the wisdom of love,
She teaches all about for aspirants on the path of beatitude
that while remaining in the world and doing essential activities to sustain
self on the social card one can connect self with supreme and prepare self for
Maha Raas,
Definition of true love can be derived from the life of Sri
Radha ji, that every nerve, every atom, every cell, every tissue and every pore
in the skin of her body vibrated through the name of her beloved, she could
never forget him for a moment even,
Krishna was there while she asleep,
Krishna was there when she wakeup,
Krishna was there when she was dreaming
Krishna was there when she was conscious on the link of
supreme divinity,
Krishna alone was her life style and Krishna alone was her
hope to sustain self,
Sound from his flute intoxicated her in love with that
beyond measure; melodies from his flute make her unified with subtle mode,
There had been a perfect communication without any media in between
as that of soul and the God,
Radha not alone the true servant of Krishna but also servant
of his servants, follower and devotees,
Radha is a doctor and the medicine too,
Radha is the Brahma and power of Brahma,
Radha is the Krishna and the Radha too,
Radha is the flower and the fragrance too,
Radha is a devotion and path too,
Radha is a light and Sun too,
Radha is the joy and the cause too,
Radha is the festival and the celebration too,
Radha is the life and journey too,
Radha is the liberation and the emancipation too,
Radha is a star and the splendor of star too,
Radha is nourishes and untiring gardener of this universe,
Glory of Radha is indescribable, so is her beauty
Splendor of Radha is inscrutable so is her gracious nature,
So merciful is Sri Radha and even more sincere
Control of mind is the toughest subject in the pace of Maya as
even many holy men and other spiritual aspirants have succumbed to the vagaries
of flicker mind but by the grace of Sri Radha one make it to the tune of truth
of self,
Under the sway of senses mind bags before all creature, demeans
even before the most wretched ones, wanders around the three world but by the
grace of sri Radha it attain its true pitch to squeeze self within to interface
the truth of self,
True temple of Lord Krishna is within the heart of Srimati Radha
Rani, and devotees of sri Radha rani have free access to that celestial temple,
My humble salutation and adoration to Sri Radha Rani on the
occasion, I make obeisance in the lotus feet of Sri Radha Rani.
May Radha Rani bless
May Radha Rani guide us in daily undertakings unto path of
May Radha Rani help life to follow the path of love
May Radha Rani help aspirants to reach at truth
May Radha Rani train us to partake in Maha-Raas to cross
over the ring of mundane existence
May she lead us to eternal Vrindavan to drink the nectar of
immortality may the blessings of sri Radha Krishna be upon us all,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please